Voices of Innovation 2nd Edition
We can all point to random examples of innovation inside of healthcare information technology, but few repeatable processes exist that make innovation more routine than happenstance. How do you create and sustain a culture of innovation? What are the best practices you can refine and embed as part of your organization's DNA? What are the potential outcomes for robust healthcare transformation when we get this innovation mystery solved? Loaded with numerous case studies and stories of successful innovation projects, this book helps the reader understand how to leverage innovation to help fulfill the promise of healthcare information technology in enabling superior business and clinical outcomes.
Thank you for your interest in buying one of my books! All author proceeds go to a couple of different charities. I have donated all the proceeds towards cancer research. The benefactors are the organizations from whom the foreword was written (Cleveland Clinic; Mary Crowley Cancer Research). The personal books' profits go to help dreamers secure freedom. When you checkout, we capture your address and the book will be sent there.
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